Wednesday 18 April 2012


Today I will be discussing whether or not IT governance and the COBIT framework are more concerned with large businesses rather than small to medium sized enterprises (SME). I personally disagree that IT governance should only be for larger businesses; however I agree that COBIT is not suited for SMEs.

Firstly whilst larger businesses have more IT to govern over does not mean that they should be the only ones practising it. The consequences are just as detrimental if poor practises are in place no matter the size. Even for an individual like myself; I lost a USB which contained a terms worth of school work. I placed a lot of stress on myself due to that poor governance choice. 

Secondly I believe COBIT is more suited to larger businesses due to the broadness of it. A SME do not have very many staff and usually does not have a dedicated IT department meaning implementing COBIT would be much harder. Getting external help is not necessarily a good idea either as it is expensive. In addition Devos (2012) found that implementing COBIT in SME’s yielded disappointing results due to size issues.

Therefore I recommend that IT governance be practiced by all sizes of business however SMEs should seek out a better framework than COBIT that fits there business size more.


Devos, J. (2012). Rethinking IT governance for SMEs. Industrial management + data systems, 112 (2), p. 206.

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